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  • Writer's pictureRobert Eckelman

Winner of Survivor 43 donates 100% of his $1 Million winnings to the Veterans in Need Foundation

Survivor started on CBS. In May of 2000, I became an immediate fan. Survivor became one of the few programs that was mandatory family viewing. After my son left for College, in 2017, My wife and I became casual fans, viewing every once in a while. For season 43 I only watched the 1st episode and the finale. That said season 43 is my favorite season And I am a raving fan again.

The unlikely winner, Mike Gabler selflessly donated the $1 million prize to the Veterans in Need Foundation in the name of his father, Robert Gabler. Mike Gabler kept this donation a secret even during the last tribal council where the last 3 make their pitch as to why they should be the 1 Millon dollar season 43 winner.

After Gabler was announced as the second oldest winner of Survivor he simply said

“ We're going to make history another way… “There are people that need that money more and I am going to donate the entire prize, the entire $1,000,000, in my father's name Robert Gabler, who was a Green Beret, to Veterans In Need…”

As a viewer gave me goosebumps and you could see the entire survivor cast was elated.

Some of the most successful people I know are the most philanthropic. What I have noticed from philanthropic people is that they are often some of the happiest people I know.

This post is for my business blog & LinkedIn Not Facebook, I always try to tie my posts back to business or some type of business lesson. Here it is,

It has taken me many years to get to the point of realizing there I need, we all need a work-life balance.

The more I learn from, and model my behavior (business and personal) after philanthropic people, the more successful, fortunate, and joyous I become. It is important to give to people/causes less fortunate than you. Amazing things happen when you open your heart.

This post is made on behalf of Brad Romp and Brad works tirelessly and selflessly to raise funds for MS. He grinds like Gabler, to date he has raised over $300,000 for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. MS is a disease that impacts over a million Americans, Aprox 1 out of 350 people in the US. There is no cure and the average annual cost to treat Someone who suffers from MS is well over $80,000.

The fundraising window is open now, Please donate to please give what you can the smallest amounts make a big difference.

More on Mike Gabler


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