that made you successful that you are not doing today?

Read the graphic as quickly as you can. Do it again, but this time don't read the word say the color of the word. This should be easy but it likely is not. It reminds me of one of my favorite sayings they keep me motivated. What is easy to do is easier not to do.
Here is the point, what did you done in the past that has made you successful that you are not doing today?
I have worked from home since 2018. Two things I always did but lately have stopped.
1, As soon as I wake up, I make my bed
2, Always get dressed for work.
Lately. I have left the bed unmade, and my wife reminded me the other day I should probably wear something other than my gym clothes.
I don't think there is a major significance here, but I will say if I start my day by accomplishing something as small as making my bed and when I get up and get dressed it is like putting on my uniform. A small mental adjustment but I am ready to go tackle the world.
Today I woke up, made my bed showered, and dress like I am going to the office (business casual). My intention is to continue doing it. As noted earlier what is easy to do is easier not to do. I have now put it in writing and now I must live up to it. All the best.