I have a great friend who shares weekly random thoughts, that make you think and challenge you to become a better person, friend, business person...
I have often described some of the pitches I hear as never letting facts get in the way of a good story or pitch. Stay your course be honest & loyal, continue learning and leading, work harder and smarter that you ever have. Be thankful to all that have an impact on your life. Always remember what has made you successful, it is most likely the basics. I always read what my friend Sam shares, I hope you do also.
1. Ours is the land of the free because it is the home of the brave.
2. A promise made is a debt to be paid.
3. A smile is a curve that starts to sets everything straight.
4. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. You don't have to be the boss to be a leader
5 Why is it that all the people that think like us are WE. Everyone else is THEY.
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