I have a doctor friend who often says "doing well by doing good". I always liked that saying, and thought he made it us. Just today I learned it was Ben Franklin who made up that quote.
I still like it, and you have a great opportunity to do well by doing good Saturday 2/17 by being part of the second annual Romp To Cure MS fundraiser at Barriehaus Ybor 12-3:00 PM.
We will be raising funds for the 1,000,000 people in the US impacted by MS. We will be drinking craft beer and sharing time with great people. Everyone is invited.
Compared to many other great causes and charities you don't hear much about MS, but many people know someone who has MS. There are over 1,000,000 people in the US that are impacted by MS. That is about one out of every 350 people. Currently, there is no cure, fundraisers like this hopefully will lead to a cure. Lets Go  hope to see you Saturday